A security guard

What Security Guards Can and Can’t do in the UK

A Security Officer, also known as a Security Guard, is responsible for ensuring the safety of the property, company, group, or individuals they are assigned to protect. Their responsibilities include keeping watch on the site, dealing with threats and inappropriate behaviour, responding to emergencies, and keeping note of all on-site happenings. But what exactly can […]

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partner serving divorce papers in the UK

How Are Divorce Papers Served in the UK?

Divorce is seldom easy, although the process of filing for divorce can be relatively simple in the UK. Frequently, it is at the point of serving the divorce papers that a couple’s situation can develop complications. So, how are divorce papers served in the UK? Reasons for separation can be complex. If communications with a […]

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How to Deal with Trespassers in the UK?

If you own your own home or land in the UK then the problem of trespassers is one you can encounter in some form at any stage.  Trespassing can be anything from a neighbour constantly using your driveway to access their property to someone entering your land and staying there. But how do you deal […]

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Forfeiting a Commercial Lease

The rules for forfeiting a commercial lease were amended last year to protect businesses that were badly affected or forced to close during the Covid 19 crisis. With these restrictions likely to remain in place at least until March 2022, you should be aware of your current rights as a landlord when it comes to ending the leases on commercial properties.  What […]

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commercial tenant eviction in the UK, shop with a closed sign

Commercial Tenant Eviction in the UK

As a landlord, getting the right tenant is always tricky. This can be even harder with commercial properties as these are used for business and rely on the business succeeding. While you always hope for the best, sometimes there are situations where you need to consider commercial tenant eviction. So if this is you, let’s take a look […]

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How to Evict a Tenant in The UK?

As a landlord, it is always more desirable to have a tenant in your property than it sitting vacant.  That’s means evicting a tenant is always the last thing you want to do.  Sadly, there are situations where this is the only route and if this is the case, you need to ensure you do […]

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