Tag Archives | squatters

house being squatted in

Do Squatter’s Rights still Exist?

Finding out that squatters are occupying your property is never an ideal situation for landlords or property owners. It can even be a distressing experience. One concern for landlords who discover squatters on their premises is whether they have a legal right to be there, and what that means in regards to evicting them. What […]

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Preventing re-entry after eviction

After evicting illegal occupants from your property, it can be distressing if they return. When evicting illegal occupants or squatters, you need to ensure you carry out all the necessary lawful procedures. Following these correctly and efficiently will ensure that access to your property does not re-occur and protects your property effectively. (more…)

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How to Evict Squatters

For landlords, squatters are not just a nuisance, they can cost you a significant amount of money in lost revenue on your property as well as causing damage you will have to pay to put right. Getting rid of squatters quickly and effectively is clearly a priority for any landlord or management company finding themselves […]

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