When making a court claim, it is vital that your court forms are completed correctly and accurately. Whether you’re attempting to chase an outstanding debt, evict travellers or recover rent arrears, forms are necessary to apply to the court and present your case effectively in the first instance.
Inaccurate details
If you make a mistake with your applications, it is advised to notify the court immediately. Your court case will not be able to proceed if there are errors with your forms, and you will be required to apply to the District Judge to correct the error. You will be charged a fee to edit the application and re-start the claim.
Incorrect spellings
If a defendant’s name or organisation is spelt wrong on a judgement or writ, it can be difficult to change this, causing the case to be made redundant. Any slight errors may be able to be changed by the court, but a larger spelling error could result in the court process needing to be restarted completely. This, of course, can incur extra court charges and delays the court process which can be a nuisance, especially in timely situations. You will not be issued a refund for the court fees.
Online applications
The same applies to online court forms to regular forms. The information must be both relevant and accurate to ensure a successful application. Once you have submitted an online form, you cannot withdraw it if you have noticed an error or any missing information. If you are wanting to discontinue your claim, you will not be able to claim a refund for the court fees and will need to notify the court and defendant. It is also important to note that online applications sometimes have a character limit, for example in the particulars of claim (or POC), and any information typed over the set character limit will not be visible to the court.
Missing information or inaccurate details, in most cases, will result in having to restart the court case which can be costly in terms of time and money. If you would like some assistance with completing court forms to effectively apply to the court with your case, Able Investigations can help. We can provide professional assistance with asset recovery in Bristol and throughout the UK. For more information, please call 0345 366 0000 or you can email us here.
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