When Do You Need Security Guards?

security guard at business entrance

Security guards have become a more common sight in recent years. From banks to events or simply in the background when someone notable is around, we often see them without realising we see them.  But when are the occasions that a business might need security guards?

Professional security guard services

In the UK, anyone serving as a professional security guard needs to have a license to do this.  The Security Industry Authority or SIA is the body behind this licensing system and ensures that everyone who has one is an appropriate person for the role.

There is a range of different reasons that someone applies for a license but there are two main types of license.  The first of these is the ‘Front Line’ and can include people working as security guards for a business.  It can also include people who carry out activities that fall under licensable by the SIA even if security guard work isn’t their primary occupation.

The second license is the ‘Non-Front Line’ and this is often used by people who supervise the security team.  It is aimed at people who aren’t doing the guarding but are supervising or managing those who do.

The SIA also has a separate process for events that covers the most common activities security teams will be involved in.  This includes guarding the premises, protecting against theft, damage or vandalism or guarding the people attending the event individually.  If the premises are licensed or not is also factored into the type of SIA license required.

When you might need security guards

In most cases, your business will want to work with licensed Front Line security guards.  But what kind of situations could you need their presence?  Here are a few ideas to showcase what they do.

You’re holding a big conference or event

Sadly in the world we live in, you must have security in place when you are holding a big conference or event.  This is to protect the people attending and to act as a visual deterrent for anyone seeking to disrupt the conference or cause trouble.

You may also want things like bag checks carried out and this may need security guards to either handle or oversee the process.

You’re having high profile business guests

When your business receives a high profile business guest, there’s a chance they bring their own security with them.  But these guards are to protect the individual – who protects your staff?  Hiring your own security protects your people and reinforces the visitor’s protection.

You need to reassure your customers

Security guards are a visible sign of how you are protecting your staff and customers.  If there have been events in your area that cause concern or you are in higher-risk business industries, having security present can act as a deterrent but also reassure your customers they are protected as much as possible.

Your business is locating in an area with a high crime rate

If your business is located in an area that has a high crime rate or is going through a troubled spell, then extra security can work both to handle any criminal activity and deter many of those considering it.  Security guards can liaise with the police and provide information about criminals and their activity that can contribute to reducing the crime rate.

You have high-worth goods and assets

If you have high worth goods or assets in the business, you probably already have security measures, but it is worth considering security guards, especially if you are undertaking certain activities.  Perhaps you are moving high value items or having an assessor visit.  Whatever the reason, having security in place to help reduce risks and protect those assets is important, short or long term.

You or your employees have received threats

Threats are another sad element of modern life, but they are ones that shouldn’t be dismissed.  There are people out there who will carry out those threats and that’s where having security comes in.  Security guards can protect you or your employees as well as your business premises to combat any threat or even deter the person or people behind the threats.

You experienced an attempted theft

Should someone try to break into your business property, there’s a good chance they will try again.  One way to head this off is to have a security team looking after the property.  This might be physically on the premises or it might be remotely with CCTV and other security measures.  But either way, they can help stop a repeat attempt and even assist in identifying the attempted thief.

You’re dealing with activists and protestors

Protesting against something is part of our freedoms but as someone on the receiving end of a protest or activist activity, it can be very difficult.  Handling protestors should be done by professionals and security guards are the best possible option for this.  They know what protestor can and cannot do and can work with the police if any illegal activity takes place.

Protecting your business and customers

These are just a few of the examples of reasons why you might need a security guard.  For any contentious, high profile or even well-publicised event, having the right security is a key part of protecting businesses and customers.

Plus it can create a strong positive impression on anyone coming into contact with the business because you have taken the extra step to look after them during their time with you.

If you or your business needs the assistance of a specialist security team for a contentious situation or event, get in touch with Able Enforcements. You can speak to a member of our team by calling 0345 366 0000email us or fill in our contact form.

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