If you need to find out more information about an individual prior to deciding whether you should start a potentially lengthy court process to recover debts or assets owed, then you will either need to obtain a lifestyle report or make a status enquiry.
Working out which you will need can be difficult, so to help you choose the right document to obtain before deciding whether to take someone to court or not, we have briefly explained the difference between the two.
What is a status enquiry?
A status enquiry, or status report, provides financial information about companies registered as limited companies, partnerships, or sole traders. This report can include information about company credit, latest accounts, along with information about profits and losses, helping you to decide whether to enforce via the High Court or another legal avenue.
What is a lifestyle report?
A lifestyle report provides detailed information about an individual that can determine whether they will be able to pay debts outlined in a Warrant or Writ. As there are various costs involved with applying for County Court Judgements (CCJs) or High Court Writs, it is worth knowing more information before proceedings start.
A lifestyle report can contain current residential address, basic valuation of owned property, lifestyle appraisal, financial status information, and employment or business activities. It can also provide details of any CCJs and information held on the electoral register. Using our investigations team also means you can request for additional information that may assist in your decision making.
Legal Compliance
All the information provided to you in both of these reports will be provided in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and reports will not contain certain information that is controlled by the Data Protection Register.
If you need a status enquiry or lifestyle report to help you decide the right course of action to take to recover debts or assets, then get in touch with the team at Able Investigations. We’re an enforcement agency who can help throughout the entire asset recovery process. Speak to a member of our team on 0345 366 0000 for more information.
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