Being the owner of unoccupied land can leave you vulnerable to squatters/travellers taking up occupation on your property and, understandably, you would want them to move on quickly. Unfortunately, moving squatters/travellers on single-handed is not only near impossible but can also be a very tricky situation If you are unsure of the law or how to go about the lawful removal.
As you would expect there are many laws surrounding the eviction of squatters/travellers on private land. Whilst you certainly can attempt to remove the squatters/travellers yourself we would highly recommend against it. We would always recommend that you get help from a specialist agency. That’s why here are Able Enforcements we specialise in removing squatters/travellers so that you don’t have to. We know and understand the law surrounding evictions.
The Legal Process
It’s easy to see why people get frustrated as the law can move very slowly here in the UK but this is why we advocate using Common Law in these situations. It is prefect for the eviction of squatters/travellers in most cases the same day. We are sure that you have heard some unpleasant stories circulating on social media about violence between landowners and travellers that Is why when we use either Common Law, or a High Court Writ of Eviction, we always let the police know what is happening, and we have specially trained staff who know, understand and Implement the law surrounding lawful evictions.
Using an enforcement agency that specialise In the eviction of squatters/travellers, can be beneficial as they have excellent knowledge of the travelling community and have spent lots of time building positive relationships in order to avoid conflict and aggression when working to remove travellers from private land,
If you find yourself in a position where squatters/travellers have taken up occupation on your land, It is always beneficial to act with speed rather than allow an encampment to grow, taking advice from a recognised specialist agency In these matters will In the end give you the peace of mind to carry on the with your daily routine without the worry that you have to deal with a situation which Is alien to you. After all this Is what we do, so why stress out when we can take that away from you.
If you decide to use the services of either our company, or another agency to evict squatters/travellers from your land we will discuss the fee. Our fee Is normally based on the amount of Caravans that are on site, and the safe number of staff to the amount of travellers. It is never recommended that only one Enforcement Officer be sent to a site for an eviction, it is just not safe in our opinion, it is more professional and safer to ensure you have the correct staffing levels & everything is done legally and above board.
If you are a private landowner, then of course Common Law Is prefect for your needs. However If you are a local authority or public body, then whilst you can use Common Law Power, providing that Welfare checks have been carried out. You can also use Part 55 Civil Procedures Rules in County Court or If an Emergency High Court Writ. Your chosen enforcement team will advise you on which one is best to use in your case.
When the process begins, the enforcement agency will firstly request that the travellers leave the land, we will do this in both written and verbal form. Good agencies use body cams to record the giving of notice so that they can prove the day and time it was delivered. whilst acting under the legal framework of Common law there Is no notice period written down. However, most Enforcement Officers will work with the squatters/travellers to get to move at an agreed time without conflict. of course, we have to robust and ensure that the squatters/travellers know that we are serious. At the moment we have 100% success rate, but in reality we must always Inform the client of the situation, what to expect.
After Eviction
When the travellers have successfully been evicted we will hand the land back to you, the downside Is that whatever is left on your land, such as rubbish will need to be removed by the landowner. It is highly advisable that you plan for securing your land from re-entry, we can recommend the best way to do this whilst we are on site or if you have photographs we can assist you prior to the eviction.
Why is Able Enforcement the Logical Choice?
We take a lot of pride in our specialist enforcement teams, with the best training around. This does not only benefit our team, but will also assist you in the safe knowledge that we have the expertise and know how to complete this task with the least amount of fuss. that could benefit you when in the position of needing to remove squatters/travellers.
Our teams who are all trained in house and operate all over England and Wales. With our Headquarters located in Bristol. Our mission is to deal with squatters/travellers evictions speedily and respectfully, making sure you get your land back without losing any sleep. Our teams can deal with evictions whether they are under Common Law or Writ of Possession, our teams have years of experience in this field so that you can be assured that you will get the best service possible.
Our enforcement team is made up of Public Order Enforcement officer who have undertaken specific training in contentious matters, this training makes them the ideal and impartial people to deal with the squatters/travellers on your land. We are proud of our enforcement record and you will always find us professional and courteous.
If you have an issue and need us to help you with squatters/travellers evictions then call us on 0345 366 0000, a 24/7 number or visit our website at –we are certain you will be pleased our exceptional service, you can see this in our testimonials.
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