A pre-sue report, also often known as a status report, can be a valuable tool in recovering debt from an individual or business. Knowing as much as possible about your debtor’s financial situation can be invaluable as you progress through the debt recovery process.
Archive | Investigation Services
What should be in a Status or Pre-sue report?
Before commencing proceedings to recover owed money, it is important to find out if the debt is recoverable in the first place. You do not want to go through an entire court process only to realise that the person or entity that owes you money is unable to pay you. That means you must find […]
How to be compliant with service legislation
A new law has been implemented in the UK that gives the UK state the powers to monitor citizens through surveillance. The changes have provided the state, police and spies new ways in which private communications can be gathered along with other types of data in order to deal with terrorism, crime and other threats […]
When do I need a pre-sue report?
When it comes to collecting a debt, there are many different avenues and methods available that can help you to retrieve any losses but sometimes these can prove unsuccessful. What underpins all your attempts is whether your debtor has the financial ability to repay the debt and this is something that you are likely to […]